7 results found

Tax-fruits of demonetisation

A direct outcome of demonetisation is a sharp increase in 2017-18 in tax buoyancy (revenues per unit of growth). Given this ‘unexpected’ result, will the knee-jerk critics of demonetisation please stand down?

Taxation — beware of the enemy within

A meaningful reduction in effective corporate tax rates to around 20 per cent is the correct follow-through to the logic, and pain, of demonetisation.

Taxing your way to popularity

The finance minister can cut everyone’s tax burden, even pay the poor, and be revenue neutral by cutting sops

Towards an Income Tax Revolution

The economy provides scope and demonetisation, the rationale for a flat income tax rate and a negative income tax for the poor and the needy.

Budget 2018/19: Revolutions and Regression

With the government swimming in tax revenues, it makes little economic, or revenue, sense to reintroduce the long term capital gains tax after a hiatus of 14 years. Why?!

Smart Policies for Redistribution

India can, and must, reform its welfare system for a transforming India – more efficient redistribution is desirable for both ethical, and political, reasons.

Financing basic income for the bottom 50 per cent

A political and economic masterstroke would be for the Union budget to contain a basic income scheme for the bottom 50 percent — the poor and lower middle class